Took some time off and just enjoying the family and friends. It was great. My old Kitchenaid dishwasher went on the blink and so I had to call a repairman. Nixed the idea of fixing it when I was told the pump motor had to be replaced at it cost over $350 just for the parts. So today I got my brand new Bosch dishwasher installed and hopefully it will be as good as consumer reports claims it to be.
On another note I'm currently trying to finish my website. I need to start selling all the stuff that is taking up so much room in my studio. Jewelry, paintings, cowls, scarves, bags, totes etc. will all be available soon on my online store.
I'm currently sketching some folk art paintings as you can see and I hope to have them finished in the next couple of days.
I've also signed up for some art classes at the Coral Springs Museum of Art. Although I often experiment with different painting techniques it's always nice to meet new artists because you can always learn from them.
Visit my
etsy store to view some of the items I just listed plus I will be listing some more of my crochet creations in my etsy shop sometime this evening.
Thanks for your visit and have a wonderful day.
©2013 PaulaSantos
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